SPICY Project:

This project looked at  children and
youth; their health, social and physical safety and their leadership at the self-created pitches and who is accountable while there during the COVID 19 pandemic. 

We reached out to 50 direct beneficiaries, 35 were children, 15 youth and 5 girls. All the girls were children


This was a pilot project that portrayed a need for organizational and psycho-social support for the children and Youth. We are continuing to mobilize resources with hope to continue with this project in future given that children and youth got used to their game and social networks, a routine that they may likely keep when they are back from school for holidays. The soft skills we passed on will still be relevant in this post
COVID era.

The Leadership Project:


We implemented the leadership project to promote the well-being of refugee women, young girls and host communities through leadership skills building to enable them rebuild their lives and their families. This mentorship project was tailored to change the mind-set that women are not good in leadership. 20 women were reached out directly with a multiplier effect reaching
more women in the community.

Equity Project:

Mbeleni believes in movement building, collaboration, networking and capacity building. Mbeleni has worked on partnering with like-mind organizations for purposes of collaboration in activities that are in line with our objectives. We cherish participatory approaches to strengthen actions that are geared towards securing the wellbeing of vulnerable communities and bring sustainable and transformational change.